Your Parish Council team is made up of volunteers from the community and we all care passionately about our community and each do what we can to help maintain and develop such a wonderful place to live, work and raise families.
Chairmans ReportParish councils were formed in England under the Local Government Act 1894 to take over local oversight of civic duties in rural towns and villages.
The Parish Council has the power to raise a local tax known as the “precept”. This gives our council an income of just under £52,000 this year, which the team allocate to support our statutory duties, other responsibilities and community initiatives.
The Precept for Bishop Middleham and Mainsforth is set at £123.56 this year (2023-2024), which equates to £2.38 per week per household for a Band D property. Most households in the Parish will pay this tax and our aim is to use this money to provide value for money services, amenities and to maintain the local environment for the 1,300 people who live in our community.
Click the button to view the latest meeting Agenda
View Agenda 12th MarchTake a look at our forms and our policies.
Forms PoliciesThe council meets in the Village Hall at 7pm on the second Wednesday of each month, except for August. The Agenda for each meeting will be posted in the noticeboard in Bishop Middleham and Mainsforth and on the Parish Council website and social media about 1 week prior to the meeting.
You will notice on the Agenda that there is an item for Public Participation. At this point the Chair will ask if there are any short points/comments that you would like to raise. Please note that this is not a question and answer or a debating time, rather an opportunity for you to make your views known to Council members or to bring forward new ideas that you would like members to discuss.
If possible, the Chair will give an immediate answer if he or she is able to, but the council cannot take a decision as such at that time. If the item is already on the agenda, then discussion on the matter and possibly a resolution will take place at that point in the meeting. (In accordance with our Standing Orders – no decision can be taken without prior notification on an agenda.)
If you would like to add something to the agenda, this must be submitted to the Clerk,, 2 weeks prior to the meeting, to give time to make the necessary amendments before the Agenda is put out. If you are just interested in what is discussed, please come along.
Outside of the formal meetings, your Parish Councillors are available to speak with individually and confidentially should you wish. Councillor contact details are on the Councillors page. The Parish Council hold an Annual Meeting in May each year, this is a good opportunity to come along and meet the team.
Please keep an eye on the noticeboards, this website and social media for all of the latest information.
We are looking for qualified and experienced contractors to submit their tenders for the provision of comprehensive grounds maintenance services (grass cutting, planting and maintenance of flower beds, hedge trimming, etc). There is also a request for the provide to erect festive lighting and decorations. Please complete the questions in the tender document.
Published date: 18 November 2024
Closing date: 4 December 2024
Closing time: 4pm
Contract start date: 1 April 2025
Bishop Middleham Parish Council are committed to uphold the Forces Covenant. To read the document please click here.
Welcome to the the first edition of our new village newsletter! We are excited to launch this quarterly publication as a platform to keep our community members informed about the latest news and events happening in the village.
To read the new newsletter please click here.
Your Parish Council team is made up of nine volunteers from the community and we all bring different skills and experience to the team and are a non-politicised group.
We all care passionately about our community and each do what we can to help maintain and develop such a wonderful place to live, work and raise families.
We are ably supported by our very experienced Parish Clerk.
I joined the Parish Council in 2012 to help out with the Parish Plan and now find myself privileged to be Chair of our wonderful and talented team of volunteers who all commit spare time and energy to help maintain and develop our community.
More about HarveyWe all care passionately about our community and each do what we can to help maintain and develop such a wonderful place to live, work and raise families.
A very important asset to the Parish, the Hall is used by a range of community groups, and is regularly hired for parties, meetings, presentations, and a variety of classes.
Known locally as Castle Lake, this water body covers an area of 13 ha (33acres) and is a highly significant inland wetland supporting a wide range of flora and fauna, not only regionally, but also in the case of select species, nationally important numbers of birds.
The villages of Bishop Middleham & Mainsforth lie in a valley 9 miles South West of Durham and have a rich history dating back millennia. The area is dominated by beautiful open countryside and rich biodiversity with areas of outstanding beauty and historic sites of national importance.
© Bishop Middleham & Mainsforth Parish Council. All rights reserved.